Last Saturday was the Warmachine/Hordes Steamroller Tournament at Wolf's and me Gator's did me proud. I played my 50 pts Barnabas Tier 4 list.
Bloody Barnabas
x2 Wrestlers
x1 Ironback Spitter
Wrong Eye & Snap Jaw
x2 full units of Gatormen Posse
x1 min unit of Bog Trog Ambushers
1st Match: Gators vs Nick's Trollbloods
Mission: Grind
Gators managed a narrow win of 1-0. Trollbloods forgot about the ball. Calandra was too busy befuddling and starcrossing the gators and let one goal in.
2nd Match: Gators vs Jade's Everblight
Mission: Destruction
This was a really bad match-up. ELylyth and gang had trouble spotting the gators in their swamp puddle. And gators managed to destroy both of Everblight's objectives.
3rd Match: Gators vs Kong's Everblight
Mission: Demolition
This was a one in a million shot for me. Almost impossible to beat Kong's PTargosh and his 4 heavy warbeast. But as luck would have had it a huge mistake lead to the death of Targosh. Sealing the victory for the gators.
Now it is time to digest all the eaten foes and go to sleep.
[Thanks all for making it a great tourney! Cu all at the next one! WRATH AND DOMINATION IS COMING!!!]